6:25 PM Thu, Jun 11, 2009 Permalink
Dianne Solis/Reporter Bio E-mail News tips
Like many, Mike Ghouse was horrified and worried when he heard about the fatal shooting this week at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.
Who was the killer behind the death of security guard Stephen Johns?
The Carrollton resident, homebuilder and property manager, hoped it would not fuel religious tensions. "I thought why do people have hate," Ghouse said. "That was my first response."
Ghouse is an avid blogger and many of his commentaries can be found at www.mikeghouse.net and an array of links. He called for more understanding as details poured out about the violence at the Holocaust Museum.
Fifteen years ago he founded the Foundation of Pluralism. Its mission is to embrace and accept the eccumenical ways of the world. "There is not a faith we haven't covered," he says.
He is a Muslim himself and originally emigrated from the Bangalore area of India some 30 years ago.
"I will never claim my faith is superior to others," he says. "Every faith is beautiful to me. The inability to accept the differences of others causes conflict."
And when weekend worship comes, Ghouse likes to bounce around North Texas to different houses of worship, including a few synagogues.
Mike Ghouse has shared his thoughts. Please share your own.
Orginal Article was published at:
Muslims Condemn display of hate at Holocaust Museum
Posted by Mike Ghouse @ 8:36 AM Fri, Jun 12, 2009
I have received a lot of flak for saying "I will never claim my faith is superior to others,” This arrogance is the mother of all conflict.
Think about this; Spirituality and Arrogance are inversely proportional to each other. Higher the arrogance, lower the spirituality (humility or religiosity).
Most people, religious or not, believe that the purpose of religion is transform an individual to be a good human being to him and what surrounds him or her. Most people get it, a few don't.
Every one of the spiritual masters had a similar message - the whole world is one family, indeed, our pledge of allegiance is the most beautiful thing “one nation under God with liberty and justice for all".
What happened at Holocaust Museum is sad and all of us need to stand together in solidarity, not to be against some one, but to be together for all. It is our duty to work towards safety and security of every one of the 301 Million of us. No one will be safe unless every one around him or her is not.
As a society we need to have long term plans and dialogues with extremists. Every human is amenable to goodness, we cannot eliminate hate with anger and drastic actions, we can fade it out with love and long term plans to have goodness for one and all. Together, we can gradually shape a better society with patience.
Stereotyping Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus or others is another evil, some of us give room to in our hearts, remove it and see the joy of being open mindedness, that is what God is, open minded, all embracing, all loving.
Visit every place of worship and see how many ways you can appreciate the causer of life.
I appreciate Dallas Morning News for giving a lift to good happenings that gives hopes to the mankind when things like the hate at display at the Holocaust Museum.
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